
Presentation View

What is presentation view?
Disect Pro is well suited to giving presentations to groups of people (e.g. using a large display or a projector) or for video-conferencing. In these situations it is beneficial to expand the 2D and 3D views to fill the whole screen. Disect Pro enables that with the presentation view which is accessed from a menu option. This removes peripheral visual items such as the toolbar, status bar and control panel, and maximises the size of the displayed image. In presentation view image adjustments can be made by using the mouse.
Switching to and from presentation view
To switch between presentation view and normal view, choose View / Select view / Presentation view from the main menu, or right-click on any of the displayed views to invoke the Pop-Up Menu then select Presentation View. To return to the normal view apply the same procedure as the selection has a toggle action.
Presentation view can display the four-way view or just a single window. Generally presentation view functions best when only one window is being displayed (see split view vs maximised view) as the example below shows:

Demonstration Mode

Demonstration mode is a useful facility to continuously scroll back and forth through the 2D slices in a data set. As the name suggests, it can also be useful in giving demonstrations since it can be left running in the background.
Starting demonstration mode
Maximise one of the 2D views by clicking on the appropriate icon on the top menu toolbar.
Right-click to open the Pop-Up Menu then select Presentation Mode.
In the View Menu select Continuous Scroll. The display will automatically begin scrolling through the available slices.
To adjust the speed of the scrolling in frames per second enter the View Menu and select ‘continuous control speed’.
To end demonstration mode select Continuous Scroll once more from the View Menu to uncheck the option.