Menus and Toolbars

The Disect Pro viewer toolbar

All of the options represented by icons on the toolbar have corresponding options in text in the main menu. Reading from left to right, the toolbar buttons invoke the following functions:

Load Data from CDLoads DICOM data from a CD or DVD
Scan folder for dataPrompts for a folder to scan for DICOM data
Load data from diskLoads DICOM data or a *.dsv file from hard disk
Reset all viewsResets all 2D and 3D views to default settings
3D Volume viewSelects volume view in the 3D window
3D MIP viewSelects maximum-intensity projection view in the 3D window
3D MPR viewSelects multi-planar reconstruction view in the 3D window
C3 Cut-planesSelects cut-plane view in the 3D window
Four-way splitDisplays all four views simultaneously
Maximise 3DMaximises 3D view only
Maximise 2D (x)Maximises the 2D x-axis projection (normally sagittal)
Maximise 2D (y)Maximises the 2D y-axis projection (normally coronal)
Maximise 2D (z)Maximises the 2D z-axis projection (normally axial)
Toggle text infoToggles the display of textual information in each view
Toggle grey scale levelToggles between displaying/not displaying the grey scale level directly under the tip of the cursor arrow on the display
Toggle border linesToggles between displaying/not displaying the blue border lines around the cut planes
Toggle anonymiseAnonymises patient info in text areas
Toggle cross-hairsToggles the display of cross-hairs in 2D views
Configure networkDisplays the network connection dialog for a conference session
Remote controlTakes over control of all PC’s in a conference session

File Menu

The File Menu contains the following menu items:

Open DICOM CDScans any loaded CD or DVD for a DICOM directory (DICOMDIR) or DICOM data files.
Scan folder for DICOM or *.dsvScans the selected folder for DICOM data sets and *.dsv files.
Open DICOM or *.dsv file(sShows a standard FileOpen dialog from which you may either locate a *.dsv file, a DICOMDIR file, or an individual DICOM file. If an individual DICOM file is selected, any DICOM files found in the same folder will also be loaded providing they belong to the same study.
ImportShows a dialog from which you can select the range of slices to import. Supported file formats are BMP (8bit and 16bit), TIFF (8bit and 16bit), JPEG (8bit and 16bit), JPEG 2000 (8bit and 16bit)
CloseCloses the current file.
Save AsShows a standard FileSave dialog, in which you can specify a filename and location to save the current data in a single compressed file (*.dsv) for later loading and display.
ExitExits the application.
File Menu

Edit Menu

The Edit Menu contains the following menu items:

OptionsDisplays the options dialog, from which you can enable/disable various features such as inertial spin, animation, and anonymise prompts.
Edit ColourisationDisplays the transfer function dialog to allow the display look-up table to be amended interactively.
Edit Menu

View Menu

The View Menu contains the following items:

Rendering Mode

Normal volume viewDisplays the normal volume view in the 3D window
Maximum intensity projection (MIP)Displays the MIP view in the 3D window
Multi-planar reconstruction (MPR)Displays the MPR view in the 3D window
Adjust standard cut planesDisplays the cut-plane view in the 3D window
Rendering Mode View Menu

Select View

Four-way splitDisplays the four-way split screen
Maximise top leftMaximises the 3D view
Maximise top rightMaximises the 2D x-axis view (normally sagittal)
Maximise bottom leftMaximises the 2D y-axis view (normally coronal)
maximise bottom rightMaximises the 2D z-axis view (normally axial)
Presentation viewToggles between presentation view and normal view
Select View, View Menu
Show planesToggles the display of lines defining the border of the cut planes
Show grey scale valuesToggles the display of the grey scale level directly under the tip of the cursor arrow
Show CursorToggles the display of the cross-hair cursor on the 2D views
Show TextToggles the display of textual information on the 2D and 3D views
AnonymiseAnonymises or reveals the underlying patient name and hospital ID in the textual information.
RefreshRefreshes all displays in case of spurious corruptions or artifacts.
Reset to default viewResets all views to their default size and position and stops any spin in the 3D view.
Show message logShows diagnostic information.
Volume measurementPresents a table to enter date from which to compute volume using a 3rd party application, such as Excel.
Continuous scroll viewToggles demonstration mode for the selected 2D view.
Set continuous scroll speed Set the speed of the demonstration mode in frames per second.
Other Options

Pop-Up Menu

The pop-up menu may be invoked at any time by clicking with the RIGHT mouse button on any of the 2D or 3D views.
The pop-up menu contains the following menu items:

WindowingSets the middle mouse button for interactive adjustment of the window level and width.
ZoomSets the middle mouse button for interactive adjustment of the zoom level.
RoamSets the middle mouse button to roam mode
ScrollSets the middle mouse button to scroll mode.
MeasureSets the middle mouse button to measurement mode.
Reset ZoomResets the selected view to the default zoom level.
Flip Up / DownFlips the selected 2D view from top to bottom
Flip Left / RightFlips the selected 2D view from left to right
Flip Reset to defaultUndoes the effect of any previous flips in the selected 2D view
Copy to clipboardCopies the selected 2D or 3D view to the clipboard
Save to bitmapPrompts and saves the selected 2D or 3D view to a bitmap
Presentation viewToggles presentation view
Pop-Up Menu Options